How to Customize the Look of the Privacy Policy by iubenda
The styles that come with the embedded text from iubenda are pretty ugly. Let’s change that! This tutorial shows you how to adapt them to your WordPress theme.
How can WordPress professionals support the fight against COVID-19?
The pandemic has the world in a tight grip. Are WordPress skills of any use? Sure they are! Find out how…
iubenda Cookie Solution plugin: Moving the dashboard menu item under “Settings”
The hype around the new EU-wide privacy regulation GDPR is huge and service providers with a privacy focus must be raking in that…
Changing image size and responsive content alignment in the Divi Blurb Module
I’m using the popular Divi monster theme on a client site right now and I wanted to change the behaviour of the Blurb…
Styling the Collapse-O-Matic plugin for WordPress
I used the Collapse-O-Matic plugin for a recent project in order to display content with a so-called accordion effect: a visitor has to…
WPML: Getting automatic updates while blocking external HTTP requests
Due to security reasons I’m blocking external HTTP requests on many of my sites through a setting in wp-config.php. See this article for…
Implementing the Breadcrumbs from Yoast SEO into the Zuki theme by Elmastudio
I often work with themes by Elmastudio for client projects. Therefore, I put one of their themes, Zuki, into use for a website…
Removing Emoji & Emoticon Support from WordPress ;-)
Apparently, since its 4.2 update WordPress automatically converts text based smilies like “;-)” into emoji images like 😉 Besides being problematic regarding loading…
Salient Theme: Conflict in Safari with Bootstrap 3 styles in Caldera Forms
I recently detected a CSS conflict in Safari when using the popular Caldera Forms plugin. While other Browsers work fine – in Safari…
Contact Form 7 & Lay Theme: Show Radio Buttons in Chrome & Safari
Apparantly, some WordPress theme authors (accidentally?) override the display of radio buttons and checkboxes of the popular Contact Form 7 plugin in Chrome…